Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Brain Dead Federal Judges

As if we needed more evidence as to the collapse of the federal judiciary, Judge John Coughenour sentenced Ahmed Ressam to 22 years, including time served.

Ahmed Ressam? This was the Mohammed-Atta-wannabe, who attempted to drive a carload of explosives across the Canadian border on his way to LAX. His intention was to make things go boom and kill lots of people.

The Keystone Kops Clinton administration later claimed they were hot on Ahmed's trail in December 1999, but in reality, it came down to good police work by a couple of border guards.

I can only conclude Judge Coughenour is brain dead. Ahmed wanted to kill American citizens! He failed, but he attempted mass murderer. I wonder if Ahmed will get time off for good behavior.

We handed down harsher sentences to the knuckleheaded guards at Abu Gharib.

We sent Bernie Ebbers to prison for the rest of his natural life for the WorldCom scam.

So I conclude forcing a known terrorist to dress up in women's underwear is worse than attempting to blow up a chunk of LAX.


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