Sunday, July 31, 2005

Something positive for a change

It is hard to believe, but the U.S. Senate (the world's most dysfunctional body) actually had a vote and got something done. S-397 is the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act and it passed 65 to 31 with the usual suspects voting no (e.g. Teddy, Hilllary and John [did-you-know-he-served-in-Vietnam] Kerry).

One of the tactics the gun grabbers have used is to sue gun manufactures, importers, ammunition makers, distributors, dealers (and anyone else they could find) for product liability when some knuckle head shoots somebody. The effect is to attempt to bankrupt the industry.

This law shields people from this abusive practice, while still holding gun makers in check for basic liability issues like the gun not going BANG when you trip the trigger.

The companion house bill H.R. 800 has 257 cosponsors so it should sail through okay.


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