Thursday, November 17, 2005

Cut and Run

Democrats seem to be following dinosaurs towards extinction. Perhaps in the future, we will find their remains pinned together in museums.

The democrats and their willing accomplices on the left want to cut and run in Iraq. Publicly they claim to speak for the troops (and let's be honest, 16 month deployments are hard on people and families--real tough).

Barbara Boxer (the second dumbest Senator) said George Bush had changed the mission from chasing down WMDs to establishing democracy. A bit of history is necessary. In 1945 , after we had vanquished the Axis Powers, the United States led the way in establishing stable democracies in Rome, Berlin and Tokyo. The historical record clearly proves that the American mission, which lasted well into the 1950s, has proven beneficial to the world.

John Murtha called for the immediate withdrawal from Iraq. The last time the United States cut and ran, we abandoned the people in South Vietnam to a communist regime that persists to this day. History points out that this was a disastrous path, tarnishing American prestige at home and abroad. Most people call this surrender.

Then there are the pseudo republicans like John McCain, who can't resist an opportunity to attack his former rival. McCain has managed to take seven years in a North Vietnamese prison camp and parlayed this into some sort of strategic genius. I'd suggest McCain's credentials are largely smoke and mirrors.

We need to finish the job in Iraq. Unfortunately, the answers to finishing the job do not lie in the oak paneled cloak rooms off the senate floor. They rest with the Iraqi people and their determination to make their way in the world. Freedom is a delicate flower that needs to be nurtured.


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