Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Battle Joined

Just as the nomination of Harriet Miers gave the conservatives fits; so does the nomination of Sam Alito mess with the disturbed liberal mind.

Conservatives took George Bush to the mat over Harriet, and the administration blinked. Now that our house is in ordered, we can focus on the true adversary.

Personally, I am tired of being labeled "out-of-the-mainstream" by people like Teddy "drive-the-car-into-the-drink" Kennedy and little Chucky "charge-the-microphones" Schumer. I've had it with the idea that abortion is a sacred right or the Second Amendment is a quaint anachronism.

The conservative position on abortion, immigration, the war and a host of other social and moral questions is the right position. (I tend not to equivocate on life and death matters.) So let's have at it. Let's show the liberal mind set for what it is: feeble, aged and senile.


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