Sunday, September 10, 2006

I didn't have sex...

The last time a camera caught Bill Clinton pounding a podium and pointing his finger, he was lieing about his relationship with Monica Lewinski.

This time he is throwing a hissy fit over the ABC docudrama. He wouldn't want lies to be told. He doesn't want the truth told either.

Funny he didn't complain about Fahrenheit 911. Strange he never felt the need to correct the record when Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth bored us silly.

The Clintons cannot have the truth told about their eight years in power when they permitted bin Laden to flourish and failed to deal decisively with terrorism. Liberals always view military force as the absolute last resort, and then, they will only use it in limited and ineffectual manners. What they fail to understand is that when they decide to use force, the amount required is always larger than if they had dealt with the problem in the first place.

Finally, terrorism is not a law enforcement issue! This is war and these people want to kill us. The only rational response is to kill them first. Unfortunately, the left in this country is neither rational or credible.


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