Sunday, August 07, 2005

Intelligent Design - well duh!

The President came out in favor of teaching the intelligent design theory along side evolutionary theory.

Intelligent Design Theory suggests that life and certain aspects of the universe were designed by an intelligent agent.

Dare we say God?

An evolutionary dare not open this avenue of thought, because it leads to alternate theory that basically kicks the legs out from under evolution's wobbly premise--that all life just mutated into complex life forms.

Anyone ascribing to intelligent design is branded a neophyte, luddite or worse (a denizen of the religious right).

Us denizens are simply asking for equal time. It is the evolutionists who seek to suppress a different theory.

Did you see that word: THEORY. They are both theories. Only generations have been taught that evolution is fact. It works right up there with Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy.


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