Saturday, September 03, 2005

Hurricane Jim Crow

Obviously, we have misnamed Hurricane Katrina, we should have called it Hurricane Jim Crow. Now I know that sounds a bit awkward, but if we are to believe Jesse Jackson (doesn't he take a nice mug shot?!?) and his band of black racists, this entire mess is the fault of white America.

Indeed the Michael Moores and Jesse Jacksons have played the race card less than four days after Katrina wrecked the Gulf Coast and the levees failed in New Orleans.

It is white America's fault that Katrina strengthened from a category 1 to category 5 storm between Florida and Mississippi!

It is white America's fault that the levees broke!

It is white America's fault that state and local governments collapsed and the federal response took time to get going!

It is--well you get the picture--blah, blah, blah...

I saw the television images, and I didn't see white Americans or black American or pink ones or people with polka dots. I saw Americans. I saw their pain and anguish and despair. I saw people who desperately needed food, water and shelter. I saw a rescue effort that had to shovel through the debris, avoid the crazies and deliver a massive amount of food and water.

I gave money to the Salvation Army, because what I saw broke my heart. It never occurred to me that this terrible disaster had a racial component. Such thoughts are beyond my comprehension. So maybe the purveyors of such tripe could kindly return the garbage scow from whence they sprang.

It seems my entire life I have listened to people like Jesse Jackson and I am sick to death of their blatant racism.

People like Jesse and Michael should be ashamed for the lies they've spouted and they should hide their faces.


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