Friday, October 07, 2005

Blowhards blow their brains

Have you noticed the rise in gas prices?

Did you hear that two hurricanes slammed into the Gulf Coast region damaging the oil refining infrastructure?

Did anyone mention that due to draconian legislation and regulation no one has constructed a refinery in 25 years?

There is not a lack of oil in this world, but there is a real lack of refinery capacity to convert oil into usable gasoline. You cannot run an industry at 98% capacity and not expect a few bumps in the road, let alone a couple of hurricanes to ruin your day.

So how come when a bill comes up to make it easier to build refineries in this country DO WE GET 210 IDIOTS IN CONGRESS VOTING NO?

You might think these protectors of the public good could put aside their political correctness long enough to consider the best interests of the country. We no longer have time for the social tripe that passes for intelligence inside the Washington beltway.

I guess that's too much to hope for.


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