Friday, September 30, 2005

John & Mary

This is the story of John and Mary (the names are changed to protect the guilty). I am going to rant about divorce, but in reality divorce is just the sin-of-the-day. I am not a fan of divorce, but in a broader context GOD is not real keen on sin.

And you see we've all sinned. I've chosen to put my soul in the hands of Christ and I lean heavily GOD's grace, because I am wholly incapable of not sinning.

Just so you understand that this isn't a holier-than-thou rant.

Anyway, back to John & Mary.

After twenty plus years of marriage, they got divorced, stranding two kids, a couple of cats and three dogs. While their marriage seemed like the death of a thousand cuts; their divorce was a train wreck.

Unfortunately, I watched from the sidelines. I talked to both of them (pleaded in one case) to give their family another chance.

Well John & Mary are getting married again--to different people. Curiously, their prospective spouses go the same church. In fact, their new homes will only be 2 blocks apart, and they went out as foursome to celebrate their engagements.


If they are so buddy-buddy, then why couldn't they reconcile their lives to one another? Why not salvage their marriage and their children?

I don't have answers, except to say that sin is pervasive, immoral, illogical and that we are all trapped in its terrible clutches.

When I think about my sin, I am sickened at its depravity and relentlessness. I am thankful for a savior, because I cannot save myself. I am a drowning rat in a stormy sea going under for the third time, only to find a nail scarred hand hauling me to dry land.

Well those same nail scarred hands have ahold of John & Mary. I'm not casting stones. I hate divorce, because it messes up people. I just see John & Mary as a reminder that all our sins lead to same dark and lonely place called the grave, unless you've come to know the Carpenter from Galilee.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well first of all...NO ONE IS A FAN OF DIVORCE.
No one gets divorced just for the fun of it.

You say they stranded 2 kids , cats and dogs.... couldn't it be possible that those kids were already drowning in the tensions and hurt that were in that house and the parents decided that their family was too important to make them live like that? Aren't 2 peaceful and happy homes better than one sad, emotional, anger filled household with 2 people staying together" for the kids?"

you don't say in your blog how John and / or Mary reacted to your talks with them, but I would bet that at least one of them told you to mind your own business, maybe in a nice way, maybe not.
I know that if it were me and you presumed to have any say AT ALL in my personal life, I would have have said " how dare you?"

face it pal, the only people that know what REALLY goes on in a marriage are the two people in it, and you really DO NOT know . There are so many unknowns, maybe she cheated, maybe he drinks, maybe he beats her and is sly enuf to only leave bruises that are covered by clothing, maybe they have huge financial problems that have caused stress like we have never known,maybe one of them is sick, maybe one has mental problems that they don't share with anyone, maybe maybe .....
my point is you do not know what happened and you shouldn't know , as it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!
I find it very ignorant of you to be upset that they each found new loves and that they all are civil and decent enough to get along with each other. Do you really think God wants people to stay in a crappy marriage and be unhappy for the rest of their lives, rather than be happy separately, with new loves?
with that reasoning a woman should stay with an abusive, drunken husband who beats her children too, because God would rather have her live that life than leave him and look for happiness!?
No way! I believe God loves us much much more than that,( and apparently loves us more than you think he does.)and wants us to find happiness..

11:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:35 AM  

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