Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Another dumb idea

The pistol cam is a device to provide lights, action, camera as soon as a weapon is drawn from the holster. The New York State Police are testing this idea.

Anytime a legislative body (composed of anti gunners, non-gunners, and a sprinkling of NRA members) decides to mandate equipment for firearms, you should grab you guns and run for the hills.

I may have my differences with law enforcement training and proficiency, but I would not want a device that activated a camera and a 120 lumen bulb hanging off the end of my gun should I ever have to draw it.

Why? Glad you asked...

  1. Many enounters requiring fire arms occur in low light. (So why would I want to tell the bad guys exactly where I am?)
  2. Most encounters happen at a distance of 10 to 15 feet. (There are enough things happening right then, that I would not want to be bothered by a hunk of unnatural metal hanging off the end of my gun.)
  3. This thing looks like it can snag on just about anything. (So great, I get it tangled up in my clothing or belt and meanwhile the bad guy shoots me.)
  4. This pistol camera only activates once it is drawn from the holster. (What good does that do me? If I have reached the point in a event where I need to draw my gun, alot has happened already. None of this will show up on this handy-dandy camera.)

At best, the pistolcam is going to show where the gun was pointed and where the bullet went (maybe).

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