Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Wipe Up, Wipe Out, Get Wiped

Sheryl Crow global warming activist, Karl Rove fan and Al Gore groupie issued a pronouncement on how all of us can save the planet. As with all such edicts, the science is indisputable.
Ms. Crow suggest that we reduce our toilet paper usage to one square per visit. Think of the trees we can save! Think of the environmental impact! Think of the mess in your drawers, not to mention other places!
I'm sure there is scientific model in Al Gore's panafly of color slides and dubious conjectures that supports Ms. Crow's assertion, I'm just not certain I see the cost/benefit.
Of course, entrepreneurial types will simply change their marketing strategies. Instead of 1000 sheets per roll, we'll probably be treated to huge single squares. But then how do we flush that down the 1 gallon per flush toilets?
What a mess we've made...

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