Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Brain Dead

Conngress just passed a law to sue OPEC for collusion.
Come again?
OPEC is an organization that is not subject to US law.
Congress wants to pass a windfalls profit tax to punish the oil companies.
Class warfare 101. Congress seeks to punish someone for the current mess.
Neither of these moves helps the price of oil or puts one more drop of oil into the system.
If these brain dead, morons want to fix the problem it is real simple. If they want to know who to blame, they should look in the mirror.
Drill! Drill in ANWR, off the west and east coasts and the Gulf of Mexico. We have barrels and barrels and barrels of oil in this country, but we won't drill and we won't build refineries.
Why? Because Congress has blocked any rational energy policy that comes down the pike.
It is time to throw the bums out and I mean all of them. Washington is severely broken and obviously corrupt.

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