Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Flat Earthers

Another wacko judge from the Ninth Circus Court of Appeals struck down the Pledge of Allegiance.

This is another law suit brought to you by America's Atheist, Michael Newdow.

It seems the Mr. Newdow is concerned about those vile and coercive words, "Under God."

People used to believe the earth was flat. Those same people thought the sun, moon and stars rotated around the world. Just because they had screwy ideas did not make it so.

Mr. Newdow and the dimwits on the court might not believe in God, but that does not negate the fact that God knows about them.

No one is being coerced to say the pledge.

The words "Under God" is a statement of fact. Those who believe otherwise, probably worry about sailing off the edge of the world.


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