Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Poster Child

Would you give this man money?

That's exactly what President Bush wants you to do. He has enlisted his father, Bush 41, and Slick to head line the private sector relief bandwagon for Hurricane Katrina victims.

But I already gave, you say.

Slick might wrack his brains to find a better way, but in the end he would retroactively raise your taxes $500,000,000,000. Adjusted for inflation, a new humidor, dry cleaning and lawyer bills that comes out to $5,000,000,000,000.

I guess I'm still upset over theft by taxes, the dot.com bust and squandering the historic opportunity at the end of the Cold War.

Every time I see Slick's picture, I grab my wallet--a reflexive action. Then I remember, he's retired to the speaker's circuit, charging quadzillions for his wit and wisdom.

How'd that saying go? "You can fool some of the people all of the time..."


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