Friday, September 09, 2005


The White House removed Undersecretary for Emergency preparedness and Response, Michael Brown from overseeing the Katrina relief effort.

This is the same Mike Brown who oversaw the Hurricane relief effort in Florida last year, and to quote one caller to the Limbaugh program today, "How did he get so stupid so fast?"

The answer: he didn't.

However, the left has demanded its pound of flesh, and the White House delivered. No doubt this continues to be the new tone promulgated by the Bush Administration.

It's not working.

Will the left demand the resignation of Governor Blanco?

Get Real.

Will the left ask for head of Mayor Nagin?

Don't hold your breath.

When you consider the massive federal effort of civilian and military agencies that have poured into the region, there should be a lot of praise to go around. In the face of the abject failure of Louisiana state and local governments, the federal and civilian relief efforts succeeded despite the idiocy of Governor Blanco and Mayor Nagin.

Instead, we have to listen to rappers brand George Bush a racist. Nancy Pelosi preach her politics of destruction. Hillary demand investigations, and Howard Dean's latest scream.

For once it would be nice if the White House looked the left wing ranters in the face told them to stick it where the sun don't shine.

I guess that wouldn't fit with the new tone, but it sure would be refreshing.


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