Thursday, March 09, 2006

The Revolt is On

South Dakota has passed and signed an abortion ban.

Mississippi is considering similar legislation.

Tennessee has started the process to amend its constitution to outlaw abortion.

States are daring to challenge the Supreme Court. Raw judicial power made Roe v Wade the law of the land. Law of the land is an odd phrase to associate with a court that does not have legislative authority.

The idea of state's rights frightens people. They dredge up memories of the Jim Crow laws. However, we seem to have traded one evil for another.

The reason nominations to the Supreme Court are so hotly contested comes down to the desires of the right and left to have their nine black robed monkeys in power. America is a republic, not a democracy, not an oligarchy.

These states and other are asserting their constitutional power and thumbing their nose (or other appendages) at the federal power.

It is long overdue.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is horrifying. here we go back into the dark ages.... back to coat hangars and back alley abortions because some idiots cannot get it through their heads that a persons medical care and what procedures they choose to have done are personal. A woman's medical decisions are her business and no one elses. I do not ask the majority to ok my medical decisions. it is ridiculous. its like the divorce issue I read in your blog I agree with that post , and I say, if you are against abortion THEN DON'T GET ONE!!

1:05 PM  

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