Monday, February 13, 2006

Junk Science & Theology

Recently, 86 evangelical leaders declared that global warming was a problem and urged the Bush Administration to reverse course and support reduced carbon dioxide emissions.

While the National Association of Evangelicals did not take an official position, it has caused an internal rift.

The whole thing leaves me a bit peeved. First off, global warming conjures up images of snake oil salesmen and used car dealers. It is junk science on par with evolutionary theory. (I'm sure that just knocked a few noses out of joint.)

The family is under assault from such things as abortion, sex outside of marriage, pornography, and homosexual unions. Then there are those that do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

This is a foolish stand that splits our focus. Global warming is part of the blame-America-first crowd's mantra. It has nothing to do with the Gospel. Evangelicals worship the Creator not the creation. Global warming elevates the creation above all else.

This is a bad move, and hopefully, these 86 evangelical leaders will find no one is following.


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