Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Truth in Advertising

They say a picture speaks a thousand words. This one is worth about a million. Debbie Stabenow toted her placard to the well of the senate. She wants to make a point.

Of course, her point is that Bush lied or Cheney lied or the War is illegal or whatever. Listening to a senate speech is akin to having all your teeth drilled.

The Bush Administration may be tone deaf when it comes to the political impact of the Dubai ports deal, but obviously, Senator Debbie is brain dead. No one on her staff or in the democratic brain trust stopped to think how this might look to those of us in fly over country. Certainly, they never imagined that Matt Drudge would post it on his site.

DANGEROUSLY INCOMPETENT--the Democratic Party, what can I add? Nothing. The picture says it all.


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