Thursday, April 20, 2006

Check the Mirror

Somehow I have landed on one of the Democratic fund raising lists. So yesterday I received a letter from Al (Earth in the Lurch) Gore. You know Slick Willy's Veep - the man who refused to concede the election - the inspiration for the great Florida chad count.

Anyway Al's missive (I mean it was an email so I feel we're on a first name basis now) first 2 paragraphs went as follows:

In all my years of public service I have never witnessed national political leaders as corrupt, incompetent and subservient to powerful special interests as George Bush and the Republican Rubber Stamp Congress.

The level of cynicism and crass political calculation that characterizes the Bush White House and the Republican-controlled Congress is truly breathtaking.

Corruption? Cynicism? Crass political calculation?

Hey Al do you remember the attempt to nationalize health care? How about bombing Bosnia from 3 miles up to avoid casualties? Then there was Monica, Paula. Juanita and who could forget Gennifer? How about the "Pretty in Pink Press Conference" and the Rose Billing Records? Or the fellow who admitted that he lied to his diary? What did you buffoons do the first time the World Trade Center was attacked? And that little detail about taking Osama off Sudan's hands, or the USS Cole bombing? And lest our wallets forget - the largest tax increase in history. How about Pardon Gate, or trashing Air Force One?

Al, check the mirror dude! When it comes down to crass, corrupt, cynical political calculation you guys lead the way.


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