Axis of Evil
Tonight Israel is fighting a war on two fronts, against two different enemies. To the south, they have engaged the Palestinian Authority and face down Fatah and Hamas - organizations known for the butchery.
To the north, they have moved against Hezbollah (a proxy agent for Iran and Syria). I watched the media coverage tonight, and most of it focused on images from Beirut. The burning fuel tanks at the airport and the bombing inside Beirut directed against Hezbollah strong holds. There was much handringing to be had over Israel's heavy handed approach. Although casualty figures for such "indiscriminate" bombing appeared very light.
Nightline broadcast none of the damage incurred along Israel's southern border from constant rocket attacks, nor did they dwell on the real target of the Hezbollah attacks driected towards Haifa and the chemical works located there. A target that could kill hundreds of people if the wrong thing exploded.
There was plenty of criticism for the United States. After all we vetoed the UN resolution that basically told Israel to cease defnding itself. The slant of the story (dare I say bias) aligned the impatial media with Hezbollah, Hamas, Fatah, Syria and Iran. The last I checked those folks would just soon shoot us too.
In the current year, Iran has declared the holocaust a hoax and threatened to blow Jerusalem off the map. They have funded Hezbollah in the form of 18,000 rockets and short range missiles, small amrs, uniforms and logistics. Syria acts as a safe haven and conduit for these thugs. We have no reason to embrace Hezbollah, they killed 241 Marines in a bombing back in 1983.
Hamas and Fatah trace their roots back to the Black September movement - those were the fun folks that went around hijacking airliners and blowing them up in the desert. It made for great TV.
What is the difference between Hezbollah and al Qaeda? Have we forgotten Jimmy Carter's impotent response to the Embassy hostage crisis? What did Arafat's twenty visits to the Clinton White House accomplish? Should we ignore that Iranian and Syrian scientists are working hand in hand with North Korea's nutcase as they launch missiles towards Japan, Hawaii and Alaska?
Two members of the Axis of Evil remain. Sooner or later the joint menace of Iran, Syria and North Korea needs to be faced. Fancy words and diplomatic niceties are not going to make it happen. The only things these people understand is force, and the only country capable of handling these fascists is America.