Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Off the rails

The new budget bill (no not the $800 billion porklus, no not the $410 billion mini porkulus). This is a new one being pushed down our throats by the Obama (the Chosen One) team.
This bill proposes spending $634 billion for some kind of feel good health care fund. How do they propose to raise this chunk of cash?
"By trimming tax breaks for the wealthy and squeezing payments to insurers, hospitals, doctors and drug manufacturers."
This the same super rich group we are targeting for everything else. The health care system is on life support right now, because we have been squeezing insurers and hospitals and doctors and drug manufactures.
Who do you think picks up the tab for all this largess? (Hint: Check the mirror.)

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Houston we may have a problem

There have been recurring questions as to Obama's (The Chosen One) status as a natural born citizen. Many pundits said this was going no where.

They be right, but an interesting lawsuit is making its way through the legal gears.

First a single soldier has asked that Obama's natural born status be confirmed. He bases his query on his oath to defend and support the constitution. Now a second soldier has joined the lawsuit.

What happens if this spreads through out the soldiers, sailors and marines?

Will Obama be compelled to produce the actual documents? And can he?

And what happens if he can not produce the proof?

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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Insult to Injury

Comrade Obama (the Chosen One) fiddles while the stock market burns. This week we have been treated to:

  • The $800,000,000,000 pork barrel bill signing.
  • The pay-for-the-deadbeat-next-door-mortgage plan.
  • Called cowards by the new AG.
  • Dealt with rumors about bank nationalization.
  • Learned Iran has enough material for a bomb.
  • Learned the government wants to ride along via GPS and count our miles.
Even Slick Willy told President Doom and Gloom to brighten up and give people hope. It just proves that Bubba can be right once every decade. Either we have put dumbest bunch in power since Jimmy Carter or we have a Chicago style gang of thugs. Time will tell.

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Wheels Come Off

Be careful for what you wish is an old proverb. Perhaps, the Obama (The Chosen One) administration should heed its warning.

The overheated rhetoric about the economy only exacerbates a bad situation. A president needs to build up the country, not tear it down.

This has not been a good week so far and it is only Wednesday morning.

Item: Obama built up the treasury plan to ail out the banks. When his tax cheat treasury secretary unveiled the plan the price tag was $1.5 trillion and details sparse.

Item: People at a town hall meeting begging for new kitchens, more benefits for a burger flipper positions, and free houses do nothing eliminate the impression that this presidency is about a money grab. Your money, their grubby fingers.

Item: The stimulus passed a test vote in the Senate. This pork laden monstrosity will probably pass and when it doesn't work, then what?

We are less than a month into this administration and the wheels look like they are flying off. The 44th president appears to be a clueless light weight.

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Thursday, February 05, 2009

Comrade Obama

Comrade Obama (the Chosen One) moved quickly to impose a maximum wage. This is something the left has always wanted for this country. It is the ultimate statement in class warfare.

This was imposed by Presidential fiat (presumably via the TARP funds) on corporations that took government bailout money and on some who were forced to take bail out money.

What Comrade Obama (The Chosen One) does not understand (really really doesn't understand) is the marketplace. So let's look at reality. Suppose your compensation was $100,000. This compensation was approved because the expectation is that you would contribute much more than the $100,000 to the bottom line.

Along comes the government and they cut your compensation by 95% or $5000. What would you do? I know what I would do. I would go get a different job.

This is outright communism!

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