Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Take me to your Leader

Twenty years ago, the Dukakis campaign was taking measurements for the new curtains in the Oval Office. They were telling us about the changes they planned to make around the WHite House.

One problem, they lost to Vice President Bush in November 1988.

One of the most telling images from that campaign was Governor Dukaksis trying to look tough, so he took a tank ride. He reminded me of the Martian from the Bugs Bunny cartoons. Dukaksis looked like a nerd and I think people never took him serious after the tank photo.
Senator Obama (or Barry as some of us call him) could not take time to visit injured troops in Germany.
Because the Pentagon said no to turning this into another spectacle for the slobbering press gaggle, dogging his steps. So he decided to go to the gym and work out.
Today, the Obama campaign is fond of telling us that they plan to rip out the White House bowling alley and replace it with a basket ball court. I wonder if they are measuring the curtains?
I know of a wounded Marine who was flown to Germany and was probably at the military hospital at the same time Barry decided to forego his visit to the wounded troops. This Marine is 19 years old. He lost his leg below the knee. His parents reached out in prayer to other people. They thanked God when they heard that their son's conidtion had been upgraded to serious from very serious. There were a couple of days where they had no idea exactly what was going on.
I cannot imagine their pain and worry.
Barry did not have time to visit. No photo op, no Barry. I think this was Barry's tank ride.
I think I'll go vomit now.

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Monday, July 21, 2008

Where the Sun Doesn't Shine

Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid have such a vested interest in the whacko-eco movement and the bogus climate change argument that they care not a whit for what happens to the American tax payer.

They are all shrill and no drill.

Oil shale deposits that are largely on federal land are off limits to development. The outer continental shelf is off limits to development. The Arctic National Wildlife Reserve is off limits to development.

If you found oil in the back yard chances are the democrats would pass a law to make you keep your hands off your property.

Speaking of property, who owns all these vast reserves (estimated at 3 times the proven reserves in the Middle East)?

You do. I do. We the people have permitted a highly paid group of politicians to deprive us of our oil. They have their heads so far up that proverbial area where the sun don't shine that they probably see their tonsils.

If we elect Obama, we can expect more of the same and spiraling prices at the pump.

If you aren't angry, you should be! The source of our energy problem is Washington DC. If you look in the mirror you'll see who put them there. If we don't throw the bums out, then we're all destine become bums ourselves.

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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Over Heated Mismanagement

Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger has aimed his blame at the Bush Administration and its failure to address the global warming scam. The raging forest fire, formerly known as Kalifornia, is the result of climate change.
Note: We call it climate change and not global warming anymore, because the bloviating scammers are no longer sure whether we are heating up or cooling down.
The forest fires (that have become a staple of life in the land nuts and berries) are caused by global warming. I guess there must be spontaneous combustion taking place at the tree line.
Of course, if you look at the satellite imagery, the fires seem to stop at the Mexican border. Based on such logic, I guess it is cooler in Baja. Or it might be the Mexican Government is managing their forest resources.
You see the Eco nut jobs want a pristine wilderness--no roads, no thinning, no logging, nothing. Just let the lightning strike and incinerate 700,000 acres. Sounds like a great plan to me. And when the liberal, wacky-doodle schemes don't work, then blame the republicans, the war mongers, the neo-cons--anything and anybody, but the misguided and myopic policies that allowed the fuel to pile up and prep the forest for a really big fire.

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