Sunday, May 25, 2008

The democrat's energy plan

The democrats tell us we'll have to drive little cars that run on some magic technology, freeze during winter, bake in the summer and go hungry. Their energy plan is to turn down the thermostat, drive less and conserve. This sounds eerily like Jimmy "The Peanut Farmer" Carter when he came to the American people, wearing a cardigan sweater, and told us we needed to change our ways because the world was running out of oil. That was 1978.
However, a different energy plan emerged during the House show trials (eh, Congressional Hearings) with the oil company execs. Maxine Waters told the CEO of Shell Oil, "This liberal will be about be about basically taking over and letting the government running all of your companies." The CEO shot back that they'd already seen that one carried out by Hugo Chavez (current nut job running Venezuela).
Maxine wants to nationalize the oil industry! This is a member of Congress. A member of the Black Congressional Caucus. A contemporary of Barack Obama. This is someone who will have influence in a Barack Obama administration.
Wake up America!

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