Friday, October 10, 2008

Are we nuts?

The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) appears to have perpetrated massive voter fraud across the country.
We have stories of people being register 79 times, 4000 dead people on Houston voter rolls, homeless people in Ohio registering in multiple counties.
Of course, ACORN is a non-partisan group that is getting millions of dollars from the Obama campaign and even more money from the tax payers.
It is becoming clear that ACORN is attempting to subvert the national election. ACORN is a left wing group with a socialist ideology. I leave it to you to determine who that favors. What we do about it is another question.
I think one of the things that has kept the middle class in check is prosperity. What the combination of a stolen election and crumbling stock market does to suburbia is any one's guess, but I have a feeling the IRS might have a wee bit of trouble collecting taxes next April.

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