Thursday, December 04, 2008

Guns and Ammo

The election of Barack has been a boon to the guns and ammo folks. Certain guns have vanished due to demand. All kinds of ammo have become hard to find.
On one order I made recently, the vendor sent me the following message:

"Thank you for your order. Due to the political situation we have seen an extreme increase in orders. We are doing our best to ship out orders A.S.A.P. As it stands now your order will be shipped within 10 - 14 business days. Thank you for your patience."

The political situation is that we have elected a gun grabber to the White House and all of us gun people remember the last time this happened. We had legislation that judged guns on their looks and magazine capacity. Washington punished the people most capable of protecting the Stars and Stripes. We you see a spike in sales like this, it means those same people are fearful of being punished again for doing nothing more than obeyiong the law and paying their taxes.

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