Saturday, August 23, 2008


I saw the early stories last night and muttered, the idiot (eh, the Anointed One) picked Joe Biden - Mr. Plagiarism! In 1987, Joe got caught plagiarizing a speech by Neil Kinnock (then head of the British Labour Party). The incident blew Biden out of the presidential sweep stakes. We also discovered shortly there after that during his first year at law school he plagiarized a law review article.
Biden has been on the Senate Judiciary Committee forever. I am not sure what qualifies this hack to be there, but we heard him during the Judge Bork lynching (hearings) and the Justice Clarence Thomas smear campaign (no, those were confirmation hearings too).
The Obama/Biden ticket embodies two arrogant political hacks that love to hear themselves speak. Unfortunately, what gushes forth is a babble of nonsensical crap that parades about as stilted, intellectual gobbly-gook.
To paraphrase Rush from yesterday, "We do not pray very often here at the EIB network, but please God let it be Biden."
In all seriousness, this is a disastrous pick. Obama should have picked a Governor. Two senators with zero (or below) experience as executives generally do not make it to the White House. The last duo to achieve this was Kennedy/Johnson. However, JFK lead men in combat, and LBJ had been senator Majority Leader. They had oodles more experience than these two empty suits.
The Obama/Biden ticket embodies one man who befriends domestic terrorists and another that only knows how to follow.

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