Sunday, August 17, 2008

More Consequences

Sometimes the best guy on your team is the guy you oppose. Vlad Putin, Czar of Russia, Conqueror of Georgia, all around not-nice-guy is accomplishing things that have stymied the Bush administration for years.

Now the Ukraine wants American missiles (and with it American troops). They see the benefits of foreign troops on their soil like their neighbors in Poland.

Why? Because there is no other country that will stand up to the Russians, the Chinese and the whacko Islamists. America represents freedom and security in a troubled world. And we have a track record (one that led directly to Polish and Ukrainian freedom) of standing up to Russian imperialism.

The other consequence is the surging dollar. Money is flowing back into the dollar, because where else does the economic security for the free world exist. The dollar is up sharply against the Euro and Pound Sterling. This helps the US economy and hurts the Russian economy, since their wealth is based on oil exports.

Oh, and did anyone notice how inaccurate and primitive the Russian weapons worked. Granted they maimed and killed, but they had to be deployed with blind lethality.

Vlad, do you really want to face down super accurate, stealth based weapons? Are you really up to taking on Uncle Sam? Think carefully before you answer.

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