Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Stuck on Stupid

According to the hard count, there are 22 Democrats voting yes and 18 voting no on the JohnRoberts nomination.

It is fascinating to watch the democratic party self destruct. They have no ideas besides the old ones. They feel the need to make everything political from hurricane relief to killing the bad guys in the War on Terror.


Except to appeal to their left wing base that is symbolized by peole like Jesse Jackson and Michael Moore, there is no reason to vote against Roberts.

Bush 43 did not nominate a moron to the bench. John Roberts demostrated that he had a firm grasp of the law and the constitution--isn't that what we want in Supreme Court Justice?

I think there is a political price for voting against the Roberts nomination. After all, where are the Move On people going to go? Will they take over the party and nominate Howard Dean for president? It seems that they already control the democratic party.

Potential democratic candidates should be thinking about the rest of us. They should be trying to appeal to the majority of the country.

Instead they have run out of ideas and lies and distortions, so that all they become is bunch of noise banging int he corner.


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