Monday, November 28, 2005

Same old, Same old

One of the definitions of a nation state is the ability to control its borders. Obviously, we have a problem on the common border with Mexico.

Today the President emerged with a bold new plan for guest workers, new laws and tighter border security.

Okay, let's see: Guest workers. If they are inside the country illegally, kick them out. Make them follow the rules.

More laws. Gee, why don't we enforce the boat load of laws already on the books? I know this is a novel idea, but it kind of goes along with guest workers.

Tighter security: Do you think there' s a problem? We still have a hemorrhaging border four years after the World Trade Center became a million ton rubble heap. It is great to take the fight to the enemy. I'm all for blowing them up on the other side of the world, but we need to remember to lock the back door too!

This may seem simplistic, but I don't see the need for a huge legislative push. Either enforce the law, or don't pass the stupid legislation in the first place.


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