Sunday, January 15, 2006

Bullies and Blowhards

The Alito confirmation hearings featured bullies, blowhards, and bald faced liars. These denizens are better known as the Democratic Senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Why Teddy Kennedy is even in the Senate and not breaking rocks for manslaughter, I will never understand.

Next was puppetmaster Di Fi. Senator from California, darling of the take-away-all-the-guns-except-mine crowd. Her role was to keep Teddy on track, occasionally prompting him as to what to say.

Then there was Joe (Mr. Plagiarism) Biden, who forgot that they were there to get Judge Alito to testify, but ended working on his filibuster skills. He spoke three times longer than Alito during his allotted time.

Of course, the king of slime maintained his top ranking. Chuck (I never saw a microphone I did not like) Schumer did his best to sound sincere as he flung mud and spouted the other stuff.

The Constitution grants the Senate an "advise and consent" role.

What took place this week was not a confirmation hearing. It was an inquisition. The only thing missing were the whips and chains.


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