Saturday, January 28, 2006

Dear Outraged

One of my posts struck a nerve out there in the blogosphere. It dealt with my musings about John & Mary's divorce last year.

If you go back to the post, I was a bit puzzled that since everyone is getting divorced and remarried, we can all be buds again. I know there were severe issues in this marriage. But after an investment of twenty plus years, it seems that things could have been worked on.

However, I have no intention of backing down from what I said in the original post. I despise divorce. I can only see it in the most extreme circumstances. The John & Mary case did not qualify.

If you think I am inconsistent ask my married and soon-to-be married children. This is the key line: I will help in anything no matter what happened. I will be your biggest fan and best supporter. However, if you decide to get divorced, I will be your greatest obstacle.

They know it is not idle chatter.

I view marriage as a promise between a man and a woman and GOD. I make enough mistakes everyday, without adding that to my list of sins. I think I also inferred that divorce is a sin. Let me be clear--it is. We don't like that three letter word. I am painfully aware of my shortcomings--my sins. I am thankful that I have a savior who died at Calvary and rose three days later.


Blogger Grafted Branch said...

I hit "NEXT BLOG" and came upon this post...didn't read the original.

You are absolutely right-on about divorce. It is against God.

However, only God can change a heart...speak the truth in love and then scoot along the wall until you disappear out of sight. And be thankful it's not your divorce.

11:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you write: "I know there were severe issues in this marriage. But after an investment of twenty plus years, it seems that things could have been worked on."

who do you think you are? their marriage guru? it may "seem" to you that things could have been worked on....but frankly , none of their marriage and divorce is ANY OF YOUR BUSINESS!
If you despise divorce, then DON"T GET ONE. you can "only see divorce in the most extreme circumstances"? oh and who gets to decide the defintion of EXTREME? You? and you say "the John & Mary case did not qualify as extreme" ..Says who?? you ?? You don't really think you know every little detail of every aspect of their marriage do you? come on! you seriously need to stay out of matters that don't concern you. Have "John and Mary" even seen this blog about them? I am wondering if they even speak to you anymore.

regarding your are you saying that if they and their spouse went to counseling, tried to work things out, even if one cheated on the other, just for one example, and they really tried to do everything to stay together and decided to still divorce, you would not be supportive? That is not a very Christian attitude....the " I support you as long as you do things the way I think you should." and if they choose a different path, you withdraw your support?
I hope they have other people in their lives to turn to if times get tough.

11:07 PM  

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