Thursday, January 05, 2006

Danger: Hitler Wannabe

Perhaps, we could put this idiot out of his misery and drop a really big bomb on him.

He is Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Today he hoped that Ariel Sharon would die. Can you imagine the caterwalling had George Bush suggested something like this about another elected head of state?

Remember when Pat Robertson suggested that it might be a good idea if Hugo Chavez assumed room temperature in a horizontal position six feet under.

Besides his get dead sentiments, Ahmadinejad has made the following pronouncements in the last thirty days:
  1. The holocaust did not happen.
  2. Israel should be moved from the promised land to Europe.
  3. Israel shpould be wiped off the face of the earth. (Presumably via an Iranian nuclear weapon.)

Again I will make the warning that people who attempt to destroy Israel had first figure out how to deal with Jehovah. Since that isn't possible, they might try digging really deep, deep bomb shelters.


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