Saturday, April 07, 2007

Nancy and the Wolf

Once upon a time (1799 to be exact), a Pennsylvanian named George Logan engaged in negotiations with the French Government. This really upset a lot of people, and Congress passed a law called the Logan Act that prohibits unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments.
John Adams signed the Logan Act into law. It seems to me that if the framers of the Constitution saw this activity as a problem, they are probably spinning in their graves over the recent stunt by Speaker Pelosi.
Clearly, Pelosi was not authorized by the Bush Administration to broker Mid East Peace. In fact, the Administration urged Speaker Pelosi to cancel her trip to Syria.
Not Nancy!
She bumbled and fumbled her way from Damascus to Riyadh, leaving a wake of miscues and outright lies.
Did she violate the Logan Act?
If you read the news accounts, it certainly sounds like it.
Did she violate separation of powers?
Most definitely. This was not a fact finding mission, this was a grand stand stunt to usurp presidential authority over foreign policy.
Will she be prosecuted?
No, but she should be. In fact, presidential administrations should vehemently defend their franchise over foreign policy.

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