Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Planet Has a Fever

The man that almost became president gave dire warnings and spoke in terms of extinction to that drooling mass of humanity known as the United States Congress.

He explained, "The planet has a fever," but refused to make a personal pledge to restrict his use of energy.

So give our Mother the Earth an asprin.

Al is attempting to ride the global warming scare right into the Oval Office. He disregards the naysayers, who decry the idea of a global temperature and suggest the sun might be causing the earth to warm.

Let's face it, Al is a moron,,and this deeply disturbed man is closer to the Moveon.Org crowd than anyone wants to admit. No doubt his private pollsters are guaging when he enter the presidential sweepstakes.

Personally, I hope he does decide to run. I relish the though of democrat blood bath during the primary season.

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