Monday, April 14, 2008

Great Gun Grabbers We Know

Hell must have frozen over! Hillary (one of the great gun grabbers) is defending the Second Amendment. She even darkened the church door and drank whiskey shots.

All this to prove that she does not view America as an embittered gaggle of gun-toting, Bible thumpers. The truth is she agrees with everything Barack said, but she is crafty enough not to say it.

Have no illusions, Hillary and Barack want to take your guns away, and tax you until your eye balls fall out.

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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Have Dictator Will Hug

Where does one begin with Jimmy Carter? He is certainly one of the worst presidents in history, and by far he is the worst ex-President we have ever had.

Not exactly the brightest bulb when it came to foreign policy while in office (Mariel boatlife when Castro emptied his jails; a hug for Brezhnev ten days before the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan; and the 444 day hostage crisis in Iran).

Then there is the hit parade of after office love fests: Arafat, Chaves, Castro, North Korea (the whole bloody government), Omar al-Bashar (mass murderer of Dafur Christains) and now the head of Hamas in Syria. There are plenty more examples: Robert Mugabe, Than Shwe (who?!?). This is the current murderer who rules Myanmar (what most us remember as Burma).

Jimmy Carter fetes the blood thirty and infamous. Sometimes I think the more blood thirsty the better. He doesn't care a wit about the foreign policy implications (but he never has) as long as he can remain in the spotlight on his ill conceived and ill fated human rights tour.

The only human rights Carter seems interested in are those of bloody handed dictators and American enemies .

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Hey Barack!

I must be one of those bitter, gun-toting, religious nuts Barack was talking about. I don't trust government. I don't trust democrats, and I certainly don't trust Obama or Clinton.
At a San Francisco fund raising event made the following comment:
"You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them...And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.

And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
Gee it is tax time and I just paid my taxes that totalled well in the high five figures. So yes, I am bitter at the waste and abuse and the seemingly endless belief that I have unlimited resources to fork over in taxes.
Yes, I own guns and I shoot guns and I believe in the 2nd Amendment. It is in the constitution.
Yes, I go to church. Not one a screwed up church like Bracks', but one that actually preaches the gospel from the pulpit.
I'm not sure what antipathy towards people means, but I am tired of tax and spend and spend and spend liberals.
I'm not anti immigrant, I just want people in this country go through the same rules and hoops my family went through to come here.
Finally, I am proponent of free and fair trade, not tariffs designed to hike prices and drive us further into recession.
I guess I am just not enl;ightened enough to vote for the liberals.

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