Sunday, July 13, 2008

Over Heated Mismanagement

Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger has aimed his blame at the Bush Administration and its failure to address the global warming scam. The raging forest fire, formerly known as Kalifornia, is the result of climate change.
Note: We call it climate change and not global warming anymore, because the bloviating scammers are no longer sure whether we are heating up or cooling down.
The forest fires (that have become a staple of life in the land nuts and berries) are caused by global warming. I guess there must be spontaneous combustion taking place at the tree line.
Of course, if you look at the satellite imagery, the fires seem to stop at the Mexican border. Based on such logic, I guess it is cooler in Baja. Or it might be the Mexican Government is managing their forest resources.
You see the Eco nut jobs want a pristine wilderness--no roads, no thinning, no logging, nothing. Just let the lightning strike and incinerate 700,000 acres. Sounds like a great plan to me. And when the liberal, wacky-doodle schemes don't work, then blame the republicans, the war mongers, the neo-cons--anything and anybody, but the misguided and myopic policies that allowed the fuel to pile up and prep the forest for a really big fire.

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