Wednesday, December 21, 2005

From a Great Height

I watched the 1951 version of Dickens A Christmas Carol last night. I was struck again at the copious amount of scripture and blatant references to Christ that are sprinkled through out the story.

It is hard to believe anything like this ever escaped the politically correct Hollywood censors. This is a story that acknowledges the reason for the season: the birth of our savior Jesus Christ.

Note: I did not say allah, buddha, or any other false god, I named the true God. Salvation comes from the cross, and the proof lies in the empty tomb. That is the miracle of Christmas that God humbled himself and became flesh and dwelt amongst us. Those aren't idle words. They are the very essence of the great war taking place about us, and the prize is our very souls.

For all my failures (and they legion), I know without a doubt that the nail scarred Savior died for me. That His blood cleanses my soul. That salvation waits for me at the end of this life.

Where will you spend eternity?


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