Friday, December 02, 2005

Shades of TWA 800

On November 28, 2005, the pilot of American Airlines Flight 621 reported that a missile was fired at his aircraft over water as he was taking off from LAX.

Let's go back to July 17, 1996 when over 100 eye witnesses reported that they saw smoke trails going from the ground to the sky where TWA 800 blew up. The FBI (those crackerjack G-Men) and the NTSB (let's find any reason other than a missile) explained the explosion away as fumes in the center fuel tank. The government is not real keen on missile stories.

This time the FBI dismissed the smoke trail to a bottle rocket or a flare.

Bottle rocket? I have experience with bottle rockets, and I never saw one get even close to the altitude of a jet liner, much less achieve the speed to catch a jet.

The same could be said for flares.

Now lies from my government no longer shock me, but guys you've got to come up with a better story.


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