Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas

It occurred to me at our Christmas Eve service that in heaven people will wish one another a Merry Christmas. They won't worry about Kwanza or mumble out a politically correct , "Happy Holidays." No, they'll say Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday and Prince of Peace and Mighty God and all those other socially unacceptable terms.

The thought police are at it again. Now they want to take away Christmas like the White Witch in Narnia. This Christmas Season I have gone out of my way to wish people a Merry Christmas. I have crossed out Happy Holidays from my voabulary.

Christmas is my favorite time of the year. In less than a hour my trusty black lab, Ripley (St. Ripplous for the occaision) and I will stuff stockings. There are ones for Jada, Amanada, Dan, Amy , Annie, Ben, Cathy and me. I plan to read Luke 2: 25-31 before we open presents. This is passage where Simeon beholds the Christ child at the temple.

You see Christmas is about a promise kept. The one made in the Garden of Eden. God sent his SON to save us from our sins. I don't know any better present than that.

So Merry Christmas, and bah humbug to all those other politically correct greetings.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

From a Great Height

I watched the 1951 version of Dickens A Christmas Carol last night. I was struck again at the copious amount of scripture and blatant references to Christ that are sprinkled through out the story.

It is hard to believe anything like this ever escaped the politically correct Hollywood censors. This is a story that acknowledges the reason for the season: the birth of our savior Jesus Christ.

Note: I did not say allah, buddha, or any other false god, I named the true God. Salvation comes from the cross, and the proof lies in the empty tomb. That is the miracle of Christmas that God humbled himself and became flesh and dwelt amongst us. Those aren't idle words. They are the very essence of the great war taking place about us, and the prize is our very souls.

For all my failures (and they legion), I know without a doubt that the nail scarred Savior died for me. That His blood cleanses my soul. That salvation waits for me at the end of this life.

Where will you spend eternity?

Sunday, December 11, 2005

French Democrats

It is striking the similarities between the French Government and the Democratic party. Consider what they have in common:

Both are run by elitist snobs. Howard Dean and John Kerry can hardly be called everyday guys.

Both would like to see the United States lose in Iraq. The French continued to sell offensive weapons right up to the beginning of hostilities, and the Democrats want to cut and run.

Both have no plan for immigration. The French watched Paris burn for almost a month, and the Democrats want to extend the voting franchise to anyone that supports their twisted policies.

I guess it comes down to whether or not we want to be led by Frenchmen or Americans. Consider who and what you vote for.

The Big Lie

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (who bears a striking resemblance to the American Embassy thugs, but don't believe your lying eyes) said that he doubted the holocaust ever took place.

He went on to say that if Germany and Austria felt guilty about actions taken in the last century, then they should move Israel to Europe.

This nutcase is rapidly developing an offensive nuclear capability, and he has given every indication that he intends to use it against Israel.

Mahmoud is simply parroting the same lies muttered by Neo-Nazis and Islamafascists. There is one little problem regarding this view point. You see the LORD GOD gave the land to Abraham early in the Book of Genesis, and He never took it away.

I don't know what God would do to someone who dared to send a nuclear missile towards the Promised Land, but I don't think it I'd want to find out.

Monday, December 05, 2005

He lied then, He lied again

In 1971 at the Winter Soldier hearings, John Kerry testified of his fellow Vietnam Vets, "They told the stories at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam."

On Decemeber 4, 2005 on Face the Nation he explained, "there is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the -- of -- of -- of -- historical customs, religious customs, whether you like it or not. Iraqis should be doing that."

In both cases, he accused American soldiers of terrorizing people.

In both cases he lied.

And this man came within one state of becoming president.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Shades of TWA 800

On November 28, 2005, the pilot of American Airlines Flight 621 reported that a missile was fired at his aircraft over water as he was taking off from LAX.

Let's go back to July 17, 1996 when over 100 eye witnesses reported that they saw smoke trails going from the ground to the sky where TWA 800 blew up. The FBI (those crackerjack G-Men) and the NTSB (let's find any reason other than a missile) explained the explosion away as fumes in the center fuel tank. The government is not real keen on missile stories.

This time the FBI dismissed the smoke trail to a bottle rocket or a flare.

Bottle rocket? I have experience with bottle rockets, and I never saw one get even close to the altitude of a jet liner, much less achieve the speed to catch a jet.

The same could be said for flares.

Now lies from my government no longer shock me, but guys you've got to come up with a better story.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Business as Usual

Congressman John Murtha declared the U.S. Army is "broken down and worn out."

Come again? As I remember it, the Iraqi Army surrendered in droves during the first Gulf War.

They were virtually obliterated in the second.

John Murtha has the nerve to suggest that low intensity combat is doing our troops in.

Granted sixteen month deployments are tough, but the American military is not collapsing. Remember World War II, it really got going when the Imperial Japanese Navy bombed Pearl Harbor. The bad guys started that war; we finished it.

Before September 11th, the bad guys were busy starting the current war. They finally got the White House's attention when they brought down the World Trade Center. It is specious to suggest that there was no connection between Saddam's Iraq and the terrorist network attacking American interests around the world.

The peace-at-any-cost democrats wish to forget those hard days when the airplanes did not fly and people watched images of nation's tallest buildings pancaking into a million tons of rubble. Already the images of people jumping from atop the WTC were being purged.

It is hard to believe that the democrats are so blind in their hatred for George Bush that they have placed political gain over national security. However, John Murtha is leading the charge to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory.

It is not the army that is out of gas; it is the political left that is out of ideas and credibility. Untroubled by the facts, they will continue to spew their anti-American lies. Business as usual.