Friday, May 30, 2008

Cap and Trade

The global warming scammers are at it again. The Senate is debating the Climate Security Act (S. 2191). According to the Congressional Budget Office, this bill will impose $1.2 TRILLION in next taxes over the next 10 years and $90 BILLION in unfunded mandates to the private section every year.

This is a bogus scheme to trade carbon credits (generally called cap and trade). This will not reduce emissions. This will not help the economy. This WILL NOT PRODUCE ANY MORE ENERGY.

This is just another way for government to separate you from your money in the name of climate change. Go to and give this looney tunes a piece of your mind.

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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Overheated Ideas

Bad ideas and democrats are a match made it hell. Recently, Obama promised enviro-whackos in Oregon that we'll stop global warming.

“We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK.”

Somewhere along the way he forgot that he wants to be President of the United States. The job requires that you stick up for us against the rest of the world.

But what can you expect from a guy who doesn't what to wear the flag and whose wife isn't exactly proud of America and whose pastor hates America?

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The democrat's energy plan

The democrats tell us we'll have to drive little cars that run on some magic technology, freeze during winter, bake in the summer and go hungry. Their energy plan is to turn down the thermostat, drive less and conserve. This sounds eerily like Jimmy "The Peanut Farmer" Carter when he came to the American people, wearing a cardigan sweater, and told us we needed to change our ways because the world was running out of oil. That was 1978.
However, a different energy plan emerged during the House show trials (eh, Congressional Hearings) with the oil company execs. Maxine Waters told the CEO of Shell Oil, "This liberal will be about be about basically taking over and letting the government running all of your companies." The CEO shot back that they'd already seen that one carried out by Hugo Chavez (current nut job running Venezuela).
Maxine wants to nationalize the oil industry! This is a member of Congress. A member of the Black Congressional Caucus. A contemporary of Barack Obama. This is someone who will have influence in a Barack Obama administration.
Wake up America!

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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Toes Up!

When a Clinton starts talking about dead people, then you should pay attention. Troublesome people have a habit of dropping over (you know, well dead) around the Clintons. Candidate Clinton gave this explanation for staying in the race to the Sioux Falls Argus Leader.

"My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California. I don't understand it."

I guess this means that dream ticket ain't gonna happen anymore.

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

You've got to be kidding

The National Republican Congressional Committee called today.

They wanted a donation. Just $500. These are really funny folks.

I made it real simple for the poor woman on the other end of the line (what a lousy joib she has). You want a donation, then fix the oil mess and quit destroying the value of the dollar.

I gave her two ideas:
  1. Drill for oil inside the United States. (When they had majorities in both houses, they never had the guts to make this happen.)
  2. Support the dollar.

Drilling for oil and building refineries sounds like a no brainer, but consider the audience.

Supporting the dollar would impact the price of oil and put downward pressure on oil. However, this is an Administration policy that has absolutely no validity in the current climate.

I'll end up voting Republican again, because the other guys are basically crazy. So we enter another election cycle without a real choice.

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Brain Dead

Conngress just passed a law to sue OPEC for collusion.
Come again?
OPEC is an organization that is not subject to US law.
Congress wants to pass a windfalls profit tax to punish the oil companies.
Class warfare 101. Congress seeks to punish someone for the current mess.
Neither of these moves helps the price of oil or puts one more drop of oil into the system.
If these brain dead, morons want to fix the problem it is real simple. If they want to know who to blame, they should look in the mirror.
Drill! Drill in ANWR, off the west and east coasts and the Gulf of Mexico. We have barrels and barrels and barrels of oil in this country, but we won't drill and we won't build refineries.
Why? Because Congress has blocked any rational energy policy that comes down the pike.
It is time to throw the bums out and I mean all of them. Washington is severely broken and obviously corrupt.

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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Let's Scare Seniors... Again

Change, change, change.
Blah, blah, blah.
The new politics has broken down into the same old scare tactics. Obama is warning seniors that they better vote for the democrats, otherwise, McCain and the republicans are going to take away Social Security.
It is far more likely that Social Security is going to die from neglect. But why should Congress and the special interests that run Congress care about Social Security anymore than everything else they have neglected.

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Another dumb idea

The pistol cam is a device to provide lights, action, camera as soon as a weapon is drawn from the holster. The New York State Police are testing this idea.

Anytime a legislative body (composed of anti gunners, non-gunners, and a sprinkling of NRA members) decides to mandate equipment for firearms, you should grab you guns and run for the hills.

I may have my differences with law enforcement training and proficiency, but I would not want a device that activated a camera and a 120 lumen bulb hanging off the end of my gun should I ever have to draw it.

Why? Glad you asked...

  1. Many enounters requiring fire arms occur in low light. (So why would I want to tell the bad guys exactly where I am?)
  2. Most encounters happen at a distance of 10 to 15 feet. (There are enough things happening right then, that I would not want to be bothered by a hunk of unnatural metal hanging off the end of my gun.)
  3. This thing looks like it can snag on just about anything. (So great, I get it tangled up in my clothing or belt and meanwhile the bad guy shoots me.)
  4. This pistol camera only activates once it is drawn from the holster. (What good does that do me? If I have reached the point in a event where I need to draw my gun, alot has happened already. None of this will show up on this handy-dandy camera.)

At best, the pistolcam is going to show where the gun was pointed and where the bullet went (maybe).

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