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Labels: barack obama, campaign 2008, dukakis on tank, obama the savior
An eclectic disucssion, covering politics, boondoggles and whatever.
Labels: barack obama, campaign 2008, dukakis on tank, obama the savior
Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid have such a vested interest in the whacko-eco movement and the bogus climate change argument that they care not a whit for what happens to the American tax payer.
They are all shrill and no drill.
Oil shale deposits that are largely on federal land are off limits to development. The outer continental shelf is off limits to development. The Arctic National Wildlife Reserve is off limits to development.
If you found oil in the back yard chances are the democrats would pass a law to make you keep your hands off your property.
Speaking of property, who owns all these vast reserves (estimated at 3 times the proven reserves in the Middle East)?
You do. I do. We the people have permitted a highly paid group of politicians to deprive us of our oil. They have their heads so far up that proverbial area where the sun don't shine that they probably see their tonsils.
If we elect Obama, we can expect more of the same and spiraling prices at the pump.
If you aren't angry, you should be! The source of our energy problem is Washington DC. If you look in the mirror you'll see who put them there. If we don't throw the bums out, then we're all destine become bums ourselves.
Labels: congress, democrats, obama, oil crisis, oil shale
Labels: california, forest fire, forest management, global warming