Thursday, April 26, 2007

No! Really?

The Financial Times discovered that there is rampant fraud and abuse taking place in the carbon credit market. The strive to be green is making people a lot of green.

As far as I can figure, the all you need is a printer (or better yet a pdf file - save the trees!) and a website. Start selling your basic credit for $9.95 and for the truly gullible (Al Gore, Sheryl Crow et al...) we can step up to the super duper credit $49.95.

For anyone looking for salve for your carbon guilt, go no further! Just drop by my website ( and send me an email, we'll happily sell you as much as you need to feel better.

And what do you get for your $9.95/credit? A really nice looking pdf certification.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Wipe Up, Wipe Out, Get Wiped

Sheryl Crow global warming activist, Karl Rove fan and Al Gore groupie issued a pronouncement on how all of us can save the planet. As with all such edicts, the science is indisputable.
Ms. Crow suggest that we reduce our toilet paper usage to one square per visit. Think of the trees we can save! Think of the environmental impact! Think of the mess in your drawers, not to mention other places!
I'm sure there is scientific model in Al Gore's panafly of color slides and dubious conjectures that supports Ms. Crow's assertion, I'm just not certain I see the cost/benefit.
Of course, entrepreneurial types will simply change their marketing strategies. Instead of 1000 sheets per roll, we'll probably be treated to huge single squares. But then how do we flush that down the 1 gallon per flush toilets?
What a mess we've made...

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Friday, April 20, 2007


Harry Reid declared, "The War is Lost."

Well that's great news Harry. I'm sure the men and women fighting in Iraq appreciate your sentiment. So you want to ignore the fact that al Qaeda is active in Iraq. You want to abandon Afghanistan to the Taliban. You want tuck tail and show the bad guys your yellow backside.

Did you share with the troops that you have a political agenda? Have you mentioned that your see George Bush as the greater enemy? Did September 11 kind of slip your mind?

Harry the bad guys are still out there. They want to kill us all. It is far better that they die in the sand pile called the Middle East rather than the streets of New York or Des Moines.

It is bad enough we have to fight this war in the first place. It is far worse when we have to put up with a party of panty waste wimps.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Blowing a bolt

Incidents like the Virginia Tech massacre drive me nuts. In a country of 300 million people plus resident aliens, illegals etc..., there is a certain fraction of people who are just plain crazy.

Yesterday one of them blew bolt and started killing people. We have seen this before, and we have seen stringent rules regarding weapons at schools imposed. What good have they done?

Declaring some place to be a "Gun Free Zone" simply tells the bad guys and the nut jobs that here is a target rich environment where no one will shoot back. We have tried the left's prescription for school violence and it has not worked. Thirty-two victims silently attest this failure.

The shooter was armed with two handguns: a Walther P-22 and a Glock 19. One person armed with one gun could have brought this to an end. Law enforcement has proven incapable of preventing or even adequately responding to these incidents. People need to be empowered to protect themselves, but Virginia law dictates that no one is permitted to carry a weapon on campus.

That leaves only the bad guys armed. This is crazy.

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Public Enemy Number 1

Pictured here is the rare and dangerous killer Yorkie--all 7 pounds of her. SHe is a terror to squirrels, sticks and snacks (especially the snacks).
However, on Sunday Minnetonka's finest felt compelled to issue her a citation for being off her leash. Granted she was disconnected from her mistress, but she was less than three feet away on a trail in a park.
The cops chased her down in a SUV (something that drives me crazy when I meet them during a run down the trails). There is no room for anybody else when you meet them in their Suburbans on a running trail.
I'm not quite sure what happened to common sense, but the city has decided to strictly enforce leash laws. Meanwhile a coyote was running loose elsewhere in the park. I guess leash laws don't apply there.

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Saturday, April 07, 2007

Nancy and the Wolf

Once upon a time (1799 to be exact), a Pennsylvanian named George Logan engaged in negotiations with the French Government. This really upset a lot of people, and Congress passed a law called the Logan Act that prohibits unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments.
John Adams signed the Logan Act into law. It seems to me that if the framers of the Constitution saw this activity as a problem, they are probably spinning in their graves over the recent stunt by Speaker Pelosi.
Clearly, Pelosi was not authorized by the Bush Administration to broker Mid East Peace. In fact, the Administration urged Speaker Pelosi to cancel her trip to Syria.
Not Nancy!
She bumbled and fumbled her way from Damascus to Riyadh, leaving a wake of miscues and outright lies.
Did she violate the Logan Act?
If you read the news accounts, it certainly sounds like it.
Did she violate separation of powers?
Most definitely. This was not a fact finding mission, this was a grand stand stunt to usurp presidential authority over foreign policy.
Will she be prosecuted?
No, but she should be. In fact, presidential administrations should vehemently defend their franchise over foreign policy.

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Monday, April 02, 2007


Don't mind us, we're just Christians. We won't burn down your buildings or declare jihad. We'll shake our heads and probably pray for you.

Obama is not your savior. Portraying him as such alienates a good chunk of the electorate. God is not mocked.

If the Obamaites wish to pursue this offensive messiah complex, then they will go the way of the Hittites, Amorites, Moabites - well you get the picture.

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