Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Old Blood & Guts

In an effort to shore up her waning left wing support, Senator "Blood & Guts" Clinton decided that the Iraq vote was a mistake.

There was bad intelligence on WMDs, and Good Old Saddam wasn't much of a threat (just misunderstood--torture and rape rooms must have been GWB fantasy inspired by the Dark Lord Cheney). Besides the war is bogging down.

Of course, she has to say these things if she wants the nomination. She stuck her finger into wind and discovered a howling gale on the left. She has made further discoveries that destroying a dangerous regime was misguided. She is well on her way to becoming Miss Appeasement 2008 (kind of like Clean-Gene McCarthy in 1968).

This is the family legacy. Her draft dodging husband never let the Army finish the job in Somalia after they got kicked in Mogadishu. He only permitted bombing from 3 miles up over Bosnia. Twiddled his thumbs after the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Established a wall of separation between the CIA, Defense and the rest of the intelligence community. Wondered at the USS Cole bombing. Refused to take bin Laden off Sudan's hands in 1995.

Vote for Hillary and you vote for more of the same yellow dog, run for the hills democratic policies promulgated by her sometime husband.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Same old, Same old

One of the definitions of a nation state is the ability to control its borders. Obviously, we have a problem on the common border with Mexico.

Today the President emerged with a bold new plan for guest workers, new laws and tighter border security.

Okay, let's see: Guest workers. If they are inside the country illegally, kick them out. Make them follow the rules.

More laws. Gee, why don't we enforce the boat load of laws already on the books? I know this is a novel idea, but it kind of goes along with guest workers.

Tighter security: Do you think there' s a problem? We still have a hemorrhaging border four years after the World Trade Center became a million ton rubble heap. It is great to take the fight to the enemy. I'm all for blowing them up on the other side of the world, but we need to remember to lock the back door too!

This may seem simplistic, but I don't see the need for a huge legislative push. Either enforce the law, or don't pass the stupid legislation in the first place.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Christmas Lists

All right, I'll admit it--I love Christmas. Not for all the things I might find under the tree, but all the stuff I might put there and of course stockings. You see I am in charge of stockings in my house.

My son asked me what I wanted for Christmas, so I posted a list on the fridge. It included the remastered DVD for the original King Kong (not that rotten movie in the late seventies, but the real black and white masterpiece).

Slipped in my list was a wish for a .44 Magnum Desert Eagle--the chances of me finding one of those under the tree are slim and none. Slim has already caught the train out of town.

The LORD has blessed us this year. We have a new grand daughter, and we just found out we are soon to have a daughter-in-law. That means two more stockings over the mantle. Now the grand baby has a baby stocking, but Annie, my son's fiancee, gets the full treatment. And I've got some surprises for all the girls this year.

It's twenty-nine days 'til Christ's birthday and I can hardly wait.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


I was listening to my Bible podcast yesterday. We're in Genesis these days. We all know the story that the serpent tempted Eve, and Adam was not bright enough to keep his mouth shut.

The LORD God dealt with Satan and mercifully expelled man kind from Eden and aay from the Tree of Life. You see that was grace. Had Adam and Eve partook of the Tree of Life, then they would be forever cursed with eternal life tainted by a corrupt and sinful nature.

They did eat fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, and the very first thing Adam admitted to the LORD was that he was afraid. One of the first products of sin is fear.

Perhaps that is why God gave us the eternal words: "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me." [Psalm 23 v4]

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Cut and Run

Democrats seem to be following dinosaurs towards extinction. Perhaps in the future, we will find their remains pinned together in museums.

The democrats and their willing accomplices on the left want to cut and run in Iraq. Publicly they claim to speak for the troops (and let's be honest, 16 month deployments are hard on people and families--real tough).

Barbara Boxer (the second dumbest Senator) said George Bush had changed the mission from chasing down WMDs to establishing democracy. A bit of history is necessary. In 1945 , after we had vanquished the Axis Powers, the United States led the way in establishing stable democracies in Rome, Berlin and Tokyo. The historical record clearly proves that the American mission, which lasted well into the 1950s, has proven beneficial to the world.

John Murtha called for the immediate withdrawal from Iraq. The last time the United States cut and ran, we abandoned the people in South Vietnam to a communist regime that persists to this day. History points out that this was a disastrous path, tarnishing American prestige at home and abroad. Most people call this surrender.

Then there are the pseudo republicans like John McCain, who can't resist an opportunity to attack his former rival. McCain has managed to take seven years in a North Vietnamese prison camp and parlayed this into some sort of strategic genius. I'd suggest McCain's credentials are largely smoke and mirrors.

We need to finish the job in Iraq. Unfortunately, the answers to finishing the job do not lie in the oak paneled cloak rooms off the senate floor. They rest with the Iraqi people and their determination to make their way in the world. Freedom is a delicate flower that needs to be nurtured.

Monday, November 07, 2005

French Intifada

According to dictinary.com, intifada is defined as "an uprising by Palestinian Arabs (in both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank) against Israel in the late 1980s and again in 2000."

The Israeli Intifada was orchestrated out of Yassir Arafat's bunker and it had the goal of weakening Israel's control over territory by maintaining a constant level of violence.

The disturbance in France spread across the country. It would be a mistake to believe that this an urban riot that can be controlled by tear gas and non-lethal means. After twelve nights of violence, it is clear the riots are not spontaneous but organized.

The French government still fails to understand that they are in the fight for their country. They face an organized, guerilla force that has access to grenades, gasoline bombs and small arms.

There is a larger European problem that impacts the west. What do we do about mosques that are used to organize violence, and the madrassas that preach hate? It may be too soon to label this as war, but it certainly time to called an armed revolution inside a major European country.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Is Paris Burning?

Last night, rioters torched close to 1000 cars in Parisian suburbs, and for the first time the rioting moved into Paris proper. The French deployed 2300 additional security personnel, including special operation units.

The rioters did not limit themselves to cars. They went after gymnasiums, nursery schools and ware houses. They distributed gasoline bombs from garages. While the French police took down one of these improvised bomb making factories, one factory does not account for the number of fire bombs.

Apparently, the French policy of integrating Muslim immigrants into French Society has failed miserably. The French Interior Ministry does not appear to have fall back position.

The rioters are predominantly Muslims from North Africa. They do not appear concerned about setting homes and business afire. To date, the French show of force [yes I know France and force is an oxymoron] does not seem to be a credible deterrent.

So has the War on Terror broken out in a major European city? Is France experiencing a watershed, where the specter of street fighting (ala Baghdad) replaces spectacular bombings? If so, we are all in trouble.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Demographic Time Bomb

Warning: This is a politically incorrect rant.

For almost a fortnight, Muslims have been rioting in Parisian suburbs. They have burned cars; shot at police; looted local shops.

Years of unfettered immigration and Vichy-like tolerance of Islamo-Fascist beliefs have come to fruition. With European birthrates declining below population replacement levels and Muslim birthrates soaring, the face of Europe is changing before our eyes, and the change does not bode well for the west.

France ws wuick to point out American error during the post-Katrina violence and looting in New Orleans. The problem facing the Chirac Government is much deadlier. Should France decide to follow its propensity to fly the white flag rather than fight, they will lose their country again. I'm not sure America is ready or willing to bail them out again.

The population demographics do not stop at the French border. The same problem is faced throughout Europe, especially in the Netherlands where the Madrassas regularly preach hate. Before the problems of lax immigration control can be addressed, the violence must end. To do that, the French need to do the difficult thing. They need to fight.

The previous century does bolster confidence that they even know how.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Battle Joined

Just as the nomination of Harriet Miers gave the conservatives fits; so does the nomination of Sam Alito mess with the disturbed liberal mind.

Conservatives took George Bush to the mat over Harriet, and the administration blinked. Now that our house is in ordered, we can focus on the true adversary.

Personally, I am tired of being labeled "out-of-the-mainstream" by people like Teddy "drive-the-car-into-the-drink" Kennedy and little Chucky "charge-the-microphones" Schumer. I've had it with the idea that abortion is a sacred right or the Second Amendment is a quaint anachronism.

The conservative position on abortion, immigration, the war and a host of other social and moral questions is the right position. (I tend not to equivocate on life and death matters.) So let's have at it. Let's show the liberal mind set for what it is: feeble, aged and senile.