Dear Outraged
One of my posts struck a nerve out there in the blogosphere. It dealt with my musings about John & Mary's divorce last year.
If you go back to the post, I was a bit puzzled that since everyone is getting divorced and remarried, we can all be buds again. I know there were severe issues in this marriage. But after an investment of twenty plus years, it seems that things could have been worked on.
However, I have no intention of backing down from what I said in the original post. I despise divorce. I can only see it in the most extreme circumstances. The John & Mary case did not qualify.
If you think I am inconsistent ask my married and soon-to-be married children. This is the key line: I will help in anything no matter what happened. I will be your biggest fan and best supporter. However, if you decide to get divorced, I will be your greatest obstacle.
They know it is not idle chatter.
I view marriage as a promise between a man and a woman and GOD. I make enough mistakes everyday, without adding that to my list of sins. I think I also inferred that divorce is a sin. Let me be clear--it is. We don't like that three letter word. I am painfully aware of my shortcomings--my sins. I am thankful that I have a savior who died at Calvary and rose three days later.